Restraint and Moderation

Jan 15, 2025


Not only should we observe moderation with food, but we must also abstain from every other sin so that just as we fast with our stomach, we should fast with our tongue. Likewise, we should fast with our eyes; i.e. not look at agitating things, not allow your eyes freedom to roam, not to look shamelessly and without fear. Similarly, arms and legs should be restrained from doing any evil acts. 

       - Abba Dorotheus of Gaza


When my children were small they bristled at our family rules. Many a melt-down was had over naps and bedtimes, and limitations on candy and television. Name calling was a "no-no,” as was going shoe-less to the grocery store. All those restraints felt constricting. Our insistence on restraint and moderation was a real buzzkill, prompting cries of “But that’s not fairrrrr!” 


My kids weren’t yet mature enough to understand how excess and impulsiveness actually made them pretty miserable. The indisputable fact was that boundaries and nurturing routines were stabilizing for their little minds and bodies.  Our rules were not arbitrary or created to keep them from having fun. Those rules were set because we loved them and wanted to protect them from angst and danger. 


I admit that I, too, can sometimes bristle at being called by God to show restraint when speaking, eating, spending, and consuming content. I’ve still got a bit of inner rebellion in me that pushes back at limitations. Truth be told, there are times I do give in and overindulge in any number of ways (gossip and lecturing, judgmental thoughts, overeating, overspending, over-consuming, etc.) only to be reminded all over again that a lack of vigilance and self-discipline leaves me feeling spiritually, mentally, and physically ill and unsettled. 


This realization is a gift that leads us back to repentance, inner peace, and health. God, who loves us so very much, knows our weaknesses and forgetfulness and patiently waits for us to return to the daily rhythms of prayer, stillness, selflessness, and moderation that protect us from inner turmoil and harm.

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