Three Ways to Express Gratitude

Nov 20, 2023



Abiding in gratitude is absolutely essential for maintaining a peaceful mindset. I know left to my own reasonings and devices, I tend to default to anxious and negative. Giving glory to God for all things is the most effective way to return to inner warmth, trust and calm. When it comes to the healing benefits of gratitude,  more is always better! 


Here are three ways to orient your day and your life towards abundant thanksgiving: 


In Thought

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

  • Philippians 4:8


 St. Paul exhorts us to take every thought captive. This means remaining vigilant about not allowing destructive and intrusive ruminations to take root in our minds and begin growing. At the very first sign of inner turmoil, we are to run directly to Christ, casting all our cares upon Him and filling our minds instead with content and reflections that edify, uplift, and soften our hearts.



In Word

The healing of the tongue is a tree of life. And the ones who guards it will be filled with the Spirit.

  • Proverbs 15:4


Gossip and complaining are poisonous to our souls. They darken our perspectives and leave us vulnerable to the spirit-crushing effects of pride and despair.  Speaking words of encouragement and gratitude, however, opens our senses to light and goodness, enlivening not only our own weary souls but the souls of those around us. By setting our intention to curb our complaining and instead express thanks for our many blessings, we experience a renewal of our mindset and relief from despondency.



In Deed

Only fear the Lord and serve Him with all your heart for you know what great things He has done for you.

  • 1 Kingdoms 12:24 


Gratitude expressed through our actions looks like fruitfulness and compassion. Cultivating and multiplying our God-given talents, and being good stewards of our bodies, minds, homes and relationships, is thanksgiving for God’s precious gifts to us lived out on a daily basis. When our work at hand is infused with gratitude, it becomes energizing rather than draining and what often feels mundane takes on new meaning and eternal significance. 


This very day is a day the Lord has made, and within it is all we need for our healing and salvation. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

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