$327.00 USD

Back to Basics

Reclaim the joy and beauty of living

Back to Basics is a low-commitment, resource-packed 10-week experience that is a light-hearted and fun way to explore new hobbies that fit into your daily life. Back to Basics is about returning to the fulfilling habits that generations before us intuitively knew and thrived in. 

What you'll get inside this course:

Kick-off emails every Sunday starting June 9th

 In-depth instructional videos every week

 Lifetime access & online portal for all course content in one convenient place

 A fun “tea time” chat & challenge video with Olympia, Cynthia & Molly every Friday sent straight to your email

 Weekly Community Calls on Saturdays

 A Private WhatsApp community throughout the week

 Weekly encouragements, reflection questions & activities

 150+ page E-book FREE with purchase of the course

 Olympia’s own San Francisco sourdough starter for the first 100 people who sign up