Come join us!
✔️ Molly's Chat each Thursday at 12 PM Central to get to know each other better while focusing on the topic of the week.
✔️ Breakout small groups each month, such as our Caregiver Support Group and Goal Setting & Accountability group for those who want support reaching their goals. It's such a blessing to be in community with others who are in your shoes!
✔️ A Monthly Live Community Call that is recorded, just in case you can't make it!
✔️ Email Inspiration - Delivered weekly to your inbox with Molly and Cynthia describing the monthly focus and weekly challenges for your inspiration and growth!
✔️ Archived Deep Dives - Don't worry about what you may have missed... we've saved everything for you to pursue at your leisure on twenty-one intentional living topics. Our archives include video based teaching and resources created specifically for this community to address the areas where you would like to see personal growth.
✔️ Supplement Discount: Cynthia is extending her private client discounts to group members. This perk in itself can offset your membership cost!
As the membership grows, we will be adding courses, programs and more resources. Also, we will offer more opportunities to live with intention and simplicity that will be exclusively for members only, and included in your monthly subscription.
And... you'll be supporting a ministry that many have said has been "a lifesaver" and exactly what they needed!